The story
From New York to Berlin
and all over the world

Daniel Nicolai on his vision
"The SDGs are brilliant. But how can they really be effective?"
Find out how SDGs4future came about. Project initiator Daniel describes the major milestones up to the realization of the project:
New York City, August 28, 2019
Make the world Greta
"On that day, my daughter and I were there when Greta Thunberg sailed into Manhattan from Europe to campaign for more sustainable development in the USA. In the Hudson River, boats with large billboards were promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). That was a very inspiring event for me. Shortly afterwards, I visited the headquarters of the United Nations and began to delve even deeper into the SDGs. It was immediately clear to me:
- The adoption of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals is one of humanity's greatest collective achievements to date.
- The simple structuring into 17 goals with icons and colors is perfect for spreading the goals around the world.
- Too few people know the 17 goals. And that has to change!"
Structure of the Global Goals Compass
"The goals are an excellent starting point for a real engagement with sustainable development for everyone. As managing director of the sustainable communications agency, I mobilized my team and myself to make the SDGs accessible to everyone in a way that is easy to understand, clear, in-depth and appealing to the media. The result was the Global Goals Compass: a comprehensive compilation of the SDGs with video material, facts, opinions and role models. Anyone unfamiliar with the SDGs can use the Global Goals Compass to find their way around the wide range of sustainable goals."
E-learning for faster knowledge transfer
"I have been studying responsibility and sustainable development academically since 2003. One thing frustrated me deeply. Whether during my time as a doctoral student teaching at Humboldt University, as a lecturer for Master's and MBA students in the field of corporate responsibility at the Hamburg School of Business Administration, as an initiator of educational projects for students and jobseekers or, most recently, as the head of a communications agency. There is exclusive knowledge about sustainability, but it doesn't reach enough people when it is communicated 1:1 in person or in small groups. I looked for solutions and found them in the combination of web development, video creation, marketing automation and e-learning technology. Within the agency, we have since developed the know-how to technically implement e-learning programs. This has finally made it possible to achieve the goal of building a more sustainable future - and quickly!"

4 billion more people in 48 years - WTF?!
"The fact that the number of people has certainly reached 8 billion since 2023 was startling news for me. Not because of the number 8 billion, but because of the gigantic growth. In just half a lifetime of 48 years, the world's population has doubled since 1974. 4 billion more people in 48 years! What does that actually mean? It means that the number of young people alive today must be huge. And in fact, Unicef puts the number of people under the age of 18 at around 2.4 billion. I realized: If we don't reach the children, we lose the future! But how can we reach them?
- Directly via the Internet
- With mobile-optimized e-learning
- With the simple structure of the UN's SDGs
- With motivation through role models
- With your support!"
Positive feedback from South Asia in early 2024
"During a long trip to Asia through India, Nepal, Japan and China in early 2024, I presented the project to representatives from UNESCO, UNDP, local think tanks, politicians, schools and universities and discussed the concept. I received enormously positive feedback and ideas for improvement everywhere. Conclusion: The world needs this project and we are now putting it into practice. With the founding of the non-profit project management organization KNE Sustainability Institute, we now have the legal basis to implement the project transparently with our growing project network. So far, my team and I have invested a lot of time and money in raising awareness of the sustainability goals and laying the foundations for the SDGs4future project. However, we cannot manage a project of this size on our own. We need a cooperation for sustainable development (KNE)!"

Help us with the construction
SDGs4future now
We are launching SDGs4future. The project with the greatest impact for the future of humanity. It has to go fast! Every day we don't reach the children is a day lost. Help us and join us!