Project - The learning revolution for one billion young people worldwide

The project and our
goals at a glance

What and who do we want to reach?

Education for a better world

Our goal is to empower more than one billion young people worldwide between the ages of 12 and 18 to develop a sustainable and self-effective mindset. Equipped with this knowledge, they will immediately make more responsible decisions in their environment that contribute to solving global problems. The knowledge should be accessible to all free of charge in order to eliminate social inequalities. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a guiding framework.

How do we want to achieve this?

Our innovative educational concept

How do you achieve change? Clearly through education. And free of charge for everyone. The educational concept behind SDGs4future turns young people into changemakers. This is done by dispensing with outdated frontal teaching and instead creating a new learning system based on e-learning. Knowledge, motivation, personal skills and application in real life form a promising unit.

What is the path to the goal?

E-learning as a guarantee for speed

The most promising way of scaling education is e-learning. It can be used anywhere in the world, is free of charge and freely accessible.

Of the approximately 2.3 billion children under the age of 18 worldwide, only a few have any knowledge about sustainability. E-learning offers an efficient solution here, as it is almost impossible to train enough teachers in a short space of time. Using an internet connection, each child can log into the e-learning system free of charge and learn at their own pace. Our program offers video-based learning units that teach the basics in an entertaining way, show practical examples, include exercises and learning success checks and issue a certificate on successful completion of the course. We are even working on content for mixed and virtual reality.

Using technology to tackle the global education crisis
E-learning and AI make it possible to impart knowledge quickly, cost-effectively and comprehensively - even in regions where there is a shortage of teachers.
How can you manage all this?

Great goals are achieved together


Our project network

A large international network is needed to ensure access to sustainable education worldwide. It consists of advocates, ambassadors, important organizations, donors, experts, education professionals and content partners, among others. We work every day to expand this network and bring the individual players into contact with each other.
True to the motto: Together for a better world!

Project sponsor

Coordination and organization

As a hub, the project sponsor - i.e. us - coordinates all activities. We ensure that resources are used effectively and support the implementation of the non-profit project with the necessary tools and information.

Find out more about us:

Promoting equal opportunities through freely available education
All learning content is free and accessible worldwide. This means that every young person can benefit from education, regardless of their background or income.

Are there any unanswered questions?

Answers to frequently asked questions

Take a look around this website and follow the links. If you haven't found any explicit answers to your questions, take a look at the FAQ.

Our project network

How you can contribute to SDGs4future

Whether as a project advocate, SDG ambassador, funder, content or cooperation partner, education professional or expert in a sustainable field - we need your support so that SDGs4future can give young people around the world free access to sustainable and innovative education!
Find out more now and help us grow.

Help us grow

SDGs4future now

We are launching SDGs4future. The project with the greatest impact for the future of humanity. It has to go fast! Every day we don't reach the children is a day lost. Help us and join us!