10 reasons why SDGs4future
is changing the world

Support SDGs4future

Your donation for a change in the world

SDGs4future is one of the most important global education projects of our time. Why?

Because we use sustainable education to give young people around the world the knowledge and tools they need to actively tackle global challenges such as climate change, social inequality and environmental crises. Discover 10 compelling reasons why our non-profit project SDGs4future is making a crucial difference - for the next generation and our common future.

01 Mar, 2023

Building expertise for a sustainable future

SDGs4future provides young people around the world with knowledge in 17 sustainability fields. Over one billion young people can thus be empowered to master the global challenges of tomorrow. More about sustainability goals.

01 Mar, 2023

Sustainable leaders for the world of tomorrow

Education is the key to tackling global problems. Your support will help foster thousands of sustainable ideas and solutions and create the next generation of changemakers. Donate now.

01 Mar, 2023

Promoting sustainable decisions at an individual level

SDGs4future has the potential to influence trillions of sustainable decisions - from responsible consumption to political choices and career orientation. More about the Inner Development Goals.

01 Mar, 2023

Extremely high efficiency of your donation

With just one euro, you can finance 37 courses for three young people - an investment that will have an impact for decades and initiate positive change worldwide. Donate now.

01 Mar, 2023

Innovative educational model for the 21st century

SDGs4future relies on a globally scalable concept that combines education with technology and sustainability. More about the educational concept.

01 Mar, 2023

Using technology to tackle the global education crisis

E-learning and AI make it possible to impart knowledge quickly, cost-effectively and comprehensively - even in regions where there is a lack of teachers. All in the spirit of the UN Pact for the Future and you can donate here.

01 Mar, 2023

Promoting equal opportunities through freely available education

All learning content is free and accessible worldwide. This means that every young person can benefit from education, regardless of their background or income. More about Impact.

01 Mar, 2023

Strengthening a sense of community "From me to we!"

SDGs4future promotes the idea of social improvement and encourages young people to make the world a better place together. Donate now.

01 Mar, 2023

Character development as the basis for sustainable action

Through SDGs4future, young people develop into changemakers with inner strengths such as empathy, cooperation and critical thinking. The IDGs are at the heart of personal development. More about the Inner Development Goals.

01 Mar, 2023

Teachers as personality developers of the future

SDGs4future is revolutionizing the education system in that teachers no longer just impart knowledge, but also support young people in their personal development - frontal teaching is a thing of the past. Project-based learning is the future. Donate now.

"Imagine a world where people live in peace."

Just imagine: In New Delhi, one of the cities with the worst air quality in the world, 15-year-old Raj is growing up.

Every morning he wakes up with a cough caused by the thick smog that lies over the city like a gray veil. Education about environmental and climate protection? Raj has never heard of it - his school lacks the resources to teach subjects such as sustainability or air pollution control. But he dreams every day that something will change.

Many people feel the same way as Raj. Millions of young people around the world experience environmental crises, social injustice and see their livelihoods dwindle. They often lack the knowledge and opportunities to make a difference.

Time for global change

What if we give young people access to sustainable education?

With the non-profit educational project SDGs4future, Raj learns, for example, what causes environmental problems such as smog, what solutions there are and how he can take action in his neighborhood: start an environmental project, create green spaces in his city or raise awareness of the issue among people in his area.

Young people around the world hear inspiring stories from others who have managed to bring about change. A boy in Brazil organizes a campaign against plastic waste. A girl in China plants trees in her neighborhood. A group in Kenya is campaigning for clean drinking water. They are all part of a movement that reaches far beyond their home country.

The problems that these young people are tackling in an exemplary manner affect us all. Without joint action, crises such as migration and conflicts caused by climate change will increase.

SDGs4future gives young people the tools to make a positive change in their world - for themselves, their community and the world as a whole.

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