Frequently asked questions about the SDGs4future project

Welcome to our FAQ page! Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about SDGs4future. If you want to find out more about the goals of our project, are interested in getting involved or are simply curious about how you can help - you've come to the right place. We have carefully compiled this information to give you a comprehensive overview and support you in your involvement. Browse through the various categories or use the search function to find answers to your questions quickly and easily.


General information

What goals are we pursuing with SDGs4future?

The main goal of the SDGs4future project is to inform and empower young people worldwide through e-learning modules about sustainable development as defined by the United Nations SDGs. We want young people to gain the skills and knowledge to be active promoters of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in their communities.

What specific challenges are you addressing with SDGs4future?

Project SDGs4future aims to close educational gaps in the field of sustainable development, especially in underserved regions. We also address the need to modernize and digitize educational materials to make them more accessible and engaging for young people.

How does the SDGs4future project differ from other educational initiatives?

Unlike other initiatives, SDGs4future focuses strongly on the combination of e-learning and active project work to combine theory and practice. We rely on innovative, interactive technologies and close collaboration with local and global partners to make the curriculum relevant and dynamic. We stand for modern teaching methods and mutual exchange and consider passively perceived frontal teaching to be outdated.

How is it ensured that the project is sustainable and can pay for itself?

We plan to achieve sustainability through a mix of funding, partnerships, donations and possibly the development of paid premium modules that generate additional revenue. In the long term, we aim to make the project self-sustainable by creating valuable, marketable educational products. The knowledge based on the SDGs will primarily be passed on to future generations, who still have many options open to them to shape their patterns of thought and action in a sustainable way and in the interests of the planet. This knowledge and the associated patterns should be passed on across generations.

Who is behind SDGs4future?


The project is managed by the non-profit limited liability company"KNE Sustainability Institute gGmbH", which works in close cooperation with various educational institutions and sustainability-oriented organizations. KNE started out as a sustainability-oriented communications agency in 2015 and has expanded into several areas since 2023. Find out more here: www.kne.global

Project participation

Who can take part in the SDGs4future e-learning courses, are there any special requirements or age restrictions?

Any young person between the ages of 12 and 18 can take part in our courses. There are no special requirements, no geographical restrictions and access to our learning materials is completely free of charge.

Is and will e-learning remain free of charge?

Yes, e-learning is and will remain free of charge for participants. We are financed by donations and sponsorship.

What technical requirements must be met in order to access the courses?


Our courses are available online via our platform. All you need is an internet connection and a device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone to access the content.

How is it ensured that the project is accessible to all participants, including those with special needs?

The platform is designed to be accessible, with visual and auditory support features to ensure that learners with special needs can fully participate.


How does SDGs4future measure the impact and thus the success of its initiative?

Success is measured by the number of participants, the completion rate of the courses, the feedback from users and their ability to translate what they have learned into practical action.

What are the long-term effects of SDGs4future?

In the long term, SDGs4future strives to create a generation that is environmentally conscious, committed to social justice and actively contributes to a sustainable society.

How does SDGs4future contribute to reducing educational inequality?

The SDGs4future project provides high-quality educational content via e-learning through an easily accessible online platform that is also available in remote and underserved regions. By democratizing access to education, we are helping to reduce educational inequalities globally. We also prepare the content in such a way that it is easy to understand and the structure helps to ensure that the knowledge is "stored" permanently in the young people's minds.

To what extent does the project promote intercultural understanding and global cooperation?

By integrating content that highlights cultural diversity and global issues in a relatable way, the project promotes understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Participants are encouraged to work together in collaborative projects, which increases awareness and cooperation on an international level.

How are local education systems supported and strengthened by the SDGs4future project?

We work closely with local education authorities and schools to supplement the curriculum and support teachers through further training. This strengthens the capacities of local education systems and promotes long-term improvements.

Project implementation

How does the SDGs4future project plan to achieve its goals and what strategies are being pursued?

Our strategy includes the development of a comprehensive, modular e-learning curriculum, partnerships with schools and educational institutions worldwide and the use of feedback systems to continuously improve the program. We also use advanced analytical tools to monitor learning progress and adapt teaching methods accordingly.

How does SDGs4future deal with language barriers?

The courses will initially be offered in English and we are already planning to translate them into several languages soon to ensure wider accessibility.

As a teacher or educational institution, how can I integrate the SDGs4future project into my lessons?

We offer special packages and curricula that can be incorporated directly into lessons. In addition, we organize workshops and training sessions for teachers to facilitate the use of our materials.

How is the effectiveness of the program measured and evaluated?


Effectiveness is measured through regular assessments of learning progress, recording of participant numbers and feedback loops. We also work with academic and research-based partners to continuously improve our evaluation methods.

What channels are there for participants to give feedback, e.g. feedback and suggestions for improvement?


You can submit your feedback and suggestions via our online platform, contact us directly using the contact form or via social media.

Do participants receive a certificate or other form of recognition after completing the course?

Upon successful completion of the course, all participants receive a certificate confirming the knowledge and skills they have acquired.

How is the success or impact of the project measured?

The success of SDGs4future is measured by various criteria, including the number of participants, completed courses, user feedback and the visible impact of the skills learned in their communities. Our e-learning system has powerful analytics tools. We can see in real time how many course participants are using the system, how many lessons they have completed, how successful they are and many other statistics. In the long term, we aim to scale the project globally and take a leading role in education for sustainable development.

How will the sustainability of the SDGs4future project be ensured in the long term?


By involving sponsors, developing partnerships in the sustainability sector and with educational institutions worldwide, we create a secure foundation for our long-term impact. In addition, by constantly updating our course content, we ensure that our project remains successful and relevant in the long term.


What new developments are planned for SDGs4future?

We plan to expand our course offerings, add more languages, improve the platform technologically (e.g. offer download options) and establish new partnerships to extend our reach.

Contents & educational concept

How is the teaching content for SDGs4future developed?

The content is based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is developed by education experts in collaboration with sustainability specialists to ensure up-to-date, informative and engaging learning materials.

Who develops the course content and how often is it updated?

We work with experts in the fields of sustainability and pedagogy and regularly update our content to ensure it is both technically accurate and relevant.

How is the quality of the courses ensured?

We carry out regular assessments and updates of the course content and continuously collect feedback from participants and education experts.

Does SDGs4future cover all UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Yes, our program includes modules on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, with specific courses focusing on individual goals. The e-learning also includes content on our specially added 18th goal: more animal welfare.

What role do local and cultural differences play in e-learning courses?

We adapt our course content to local conditions and cultures to ensure that it is relevant for all participants worldwide. Local education experts help us to design the courses accordingly.

What role do environmental awareness and sustainable development play in the curriculum of the SDGs4future project?

Environmental awareness and sustainable development are central pillars of our curriculum and are definitely in focus. We offer special modules that deal with topics such as renewable energy, biodiversity and sustainable consumption to empower young people to get actively involved in environmental protection. Everything is based on the United Nations SDGs.

How does the project help to prepare participants for the world of work?

We integrate key skills - based on the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) - that are required in the modern working world. These also include critical thinking, teamwork and digital skills. This combination prepares participants not only for academic success, but also for professional challenges.

E-learning platform

How does the SDGs4future e-learning platform work?

The platform offers interactive, multimedia learning content tailored to the needs of young learners, with videos, quizzes and projects that encourage independent and playful learning. All that is needed to access the content is an internet connection and a digital device such as a PC, smartphone or tablet.

Why is SDGs4future focusing on e-learning to teach sustainability topics?

We rely on e-learning because it is a flexible, scalable and accessible method of delivering educational content. It allows us to reach young people all over the world, regardless of their location or financial means.

Does each country/region have its own e-learning system?


Yes, each region has an independently structured e-learning system. All versions are based on the same platform, but the content is adapted to the respective region.

Does SDGs4future also offer support for participants without stable internet access or can the content also be accessed offline?

Currently, participants need an internet connection to access the courses. However, we plan to provide download options for offline access in the future. We are working with local communities to provide educational resources that do not require constant internet access.

What security measures are implemented to protect participants' data and privacy?

We use advanced security technologies and follow strict privacy policies to protect participants' personal information. It is important to us to ensure a safe learning environment. All data is encrypted and only used for specific educational purposes with the explicit consent of the user.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Why is the project based on the SDGs?


The SDGs4future project is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because they represent a globally recognized and comprehensive agenda for sustainable development. By focusing on the SDGs, we ensure that with SDGs4future we are pursuing globally relevant, forward-looking goals that combine ecological, social and economic aspects of sustainability and find broad acceptance and support in the international community.

We also build on the SDGs because they are not only globally relevant, but also easy to understand and visually well presented. The clear and appealing presentation of the SDGs makes it easier to make complex sustainable development topics accessible to a broad audience and to convey their importance.

Where does the 18th SDG come from?


In a world where factory farming is the order of the day, the commitment to animal welfare must not be neglected. As animal welfare has not yet been given its own SDG within the United Nations framework, the team behind SDGs4future decided to create its own 18th SDG. It is entitled "More animal welfare" and aims to protect and promote the welfare and rights of animals.

Are all SDGs treated equally worldwide or are there regional differences? 


The communication of the individual SDGs varies depending on the region, as each region faces different economic, social and environmental challenges. In low-income regions, goals such as poverty reduction, hunger eradication and access to education can be particularly urgent. In more affluent regions, on the other hand, topics such as sustainable consumption, climate protection or innovation may be more important. Lessons are developed with the help of local teams and adapted to the respective region. In this way, each young person receives the individual education he or she needs to bring about positive change in their own environment.

Motivation through role models

Who could be a role model, for example?


Role models for achieving the sustainability goals can be individuals, companies, organizations, regions or entire countries.

Take Costa Rica, for example. The country has gained worldwide recognition for its efforts in the area of sustainability and environmental protection. Costa Rica successfully focuses on renewable energies and has placed large parts of its territory under nature conservation. The country also promotes education and social justice, which helps to combat poverty and inequality.

One example of a person who is considered a role model for the implementation of the SDGs is Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank and pioneer of the microcredit system. Through his work, Yunus has given millions of people, especially women in developing countries, access to financial resources, helping to reduce poverty and promote social entrepreneurship.

How are role models integrated into e-learning?


The positive changes that the role models have brought about can be incorporated into e-learning in very different ways. For example, through portraits in which the role models report on their work, through video footage of the effects on certain people or regions or through further visual illustrations such as texts or maps.

Are they international or regional models?


Both and. Of course, we want to give the learners an overview of the people or organizations that have achieved great things for sustainability on an international level. But we also want to present smaller examples from our own region to show young people that positive change can start on a small scale and that they can already make a big difference in their own environment.

Inner Development Goals (IDGs)

Why does SDGs4future involve the IDGs?


SDGs4future incorporates the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) because they promote the personal and social development of young people, which is necessary to successfully implement the SDGs. The IDGs focus on skills such as critical thinking, empathy, personal responsibility and the ability to work together.

By involving the IDGs, we ensure that not only external, structural changes are sought, but also the inner development of young people, which serves as the basis for sustainable action and long-term change. In this way, we pursue a holistic approach that strengthens both the individual and social prerequisites for achieving the SDGs.

What is behind the IDGs?


Behind the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a group of experts and organizations concerned with personal and social development and the promotion of sustainable change. The IDGs were developed by an international network of experts and practitioners, including psychologists, education experts, coaches and social scientists.

The IDGs are based on the findings of psychology, neuroscience and behavioral research, which show that inner factors such as mindfulness, emotional intelligence and critical thinking play an essential role in how people react to their environment and make decisions. These skills enable individuals to deal with uncertainty and change, build empathetic and collaborative relationships and actively participate in shaping a better society.

How are the IDGs integrated into e-learning?


SDGs4future's e-learning integrates the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) by offering specific modules and interactive content focusing on personal and social skills.

Through practical exercises, projects and self-reflection, participants are helped to develop skills such as self-awareness, critical thinking and empathy. This inner development is integrated into the learning content on the SDGs to show how they can contribute to the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Project-based learning (PBL)

What do the projects look like and how do they work?


The SDGs4future e-learning projects are designed to provide learners with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For example, one project could be a litter collection campaign at local bodies of water. In the lessons, the young people are informed about the topic of "life under water" and the importance of clean and healthy waters for the environment and their own lives. They are made aware of local and global problems and shown successful examples of marine conservation projects. With this foundation, they now become active themselves and, accompanied by a teacher, go with a group to a local body of water and free it from plastic waste as far as they can.

How long do the projects take?


The duration of the projects in SDGs4future e-learning can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the individual projects. Some sections consist of smaller, shorter projects that build on each other and others have a large project towards the end of the lessons.

Do the projects vary from region to region?


Yes, given the diversity of cultures, languages, habitats and climatic conditions, it is essential that each country and region receives tailor-made content, including projects. This ensures that young people learn specifically how they can bring about sustainable change in their specific environment.


What sources of funding does the project use?

Our project is funded through a mixture of donations, grants and partnerships with organizations and companies that are also committed to education and sustainability.

How can I support SDGs4future?


The easiest way to support us is through donations, volunteering, partnerships and sharing our content on social media.

What partnership opportunities does the SDGs4future project offer?


We offer a range of partnership opportunities including financial support, content creation, technology development and the provision of expertise through guest lectures or curriculum consultancy. Each partnership is tailored to meet the objectives of both the project and the partner organization.

How can our organization / company participate in the SDGs4future project financially or through other resources?

Yes, companies can act as sponsors, provide course materials or serve as case studies in our programs to demonstrate practical applications of sustainability. They can also provide technological resources or expertise. Companies/organizations can also contribute to the SDGs4future project by participating in our collaborative research and development projects.

How can I support the project as an individual?


There are many ways to support SDGs4future, including financial contributions, providing expertise or technical resources, as well as sharing the project within your network to generate further awareness and support.

Are there opportunities to volunteer or contribute knowledge as an expert?


Register as a volunteer or mentor using our online form. We are always looking for experts and committed people who would like to support our project.

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